5-minute emotional wellbeing test

Most of us spend so much time looking after our physical health that we forget to give our emotional health the same attention. Taking a moment to check-in with your emotional wellbeing is beneficial in so many ways – it can help you approach each day with calmness and clarity, allowing you to perform better at work, be more engaged in conversation and feel more present around family and friends. You’ll certainly notice the difference once you make it a part of your weekly routine. 


Here are some simple steps to help create a routine emotional wellbeing test.

1. Find a quiet space

Look for a comfortable and peaceful space where you can sit down and reflect with minimal distractions. This could be a cosy corner of your home, a spot under a tree in a park, or even a quiet room in your workplace.

2. Calm your mind through deep breathing

Close down your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill completely, and then exhale through your mouth, letting go of any negative thoughts. This simple breathing exercise can help calm your nervous system and bring you into the present moment.

3. Identify how you're feeling

Take a moment to find and acknowledge your emotions. Are you feeling sad, anxious, angry or perhaps just uncomfortable? Allow yourself to explore these emotions without judgement and remember that it's totally normal to feel these emotions.

4. Explore the cause

Try to understand any possible reasons you may be feeling like this. Are you over capacity at work, stressed about an upcoming social event or holding onto a piece of negative feedback you received? Sometimes, external factors that we aren’t fully aware of can impact our emotional state.

5. Practice acceptance and self-compassion

No matter what you're experiencing, it’s always important to practise self-compassion and acceptance. It's completely okay to not feel your best sometimes. Imagine if your friend was feeling this way. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer them.

6. Implement positive coping strategies

Positive coping strategies that can help you navigate these feelings could look like doing activities that fill up your cup such as reading, listening to music, being in nature, walking, or spending time with people who make you feel safe.

7. Be mindful and realistic of goals

Remember to be kind to yourself by setting more realistic goals. They should be small, achievable steps to improve your emotional well-being. Things as simple as taking regular breaks throughout the day, practicing meditation, or talking to a friend or professional about things that are troubling you.

8. Check in regularly

Looking after all the aspects of emotional wellbeing is an ongoing process, so take time to check in with yourself regularly. Even a few minutes a day spent reflecting on your emotions and how you're feeling can make a significant difference over time. 

When you incorporate this quick emotional wellbeing test into your routine, you’ll be more in tune with how you’re feeling and better equipped to tackle your daily tasks. And remember, professional help is available if you need a little extra support.


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